Can Public Policies Break the Gender Mold? Evidence from Paternity Leave Reforms in Six Countries

Can Public Policies Break the Gender Mold? Evidence from Paternity Leave Reforms in Six Countries
Sebastien Fontenay (University of Alcalá, Pompeu Fabra University)
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We investigate the impact of paternity leave policies on gender role attitudes in the next generation. We measure gender-stereotypical attitudes using an Implicit Association Test with 3,000 online respondents in six countries. Using an RD design, we observe a significant reduction (-0.21 SD) in gender-stereotypical attitudes among men born post-paternity leave implementation. This shift influences career choices, as men whose fathers were affected by the reform are more inclined to pursue counter-stereotypical jobs, particularly in high-skilled occupations like healthcare and education. Our findings highlight how paternity leave fosters egalitarian gender norms and affects the occupational choices of the next generation.
Sébastien Fontenay received his PhD in Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) in 2022. He was awarded in 2023 a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship to work at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain). He is also a visiting assistant professor at the Universidad de Alcalá. His research interests are in labor and public economics, with a focus on gender inequalities and the impact of public policies. He joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in April 2024.