
The Axa Gender Lab at Bocconi University, the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), and the World Bank announce a competitive call for papers and participation in a two-day workshop to be held on May 15 and 16, 2025, at the EIEF premises in Rome, Italy.
The workshop aims to serve as a platform for evidence-based policy dialogue on strategies to foster women's economic empowerment, labor force participation, and entrepreneurship.
Selected papers may be considered for publication in a special issue of LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. Early-career researchers are encouraged to apply.
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 22, 2024
Click HERE for more information.

It's now open the call for papers for the 14th Best Paper Award on Gender Economics. The competition is aimed at all young economists and researchers from the countries belonging to the geographical area of UniCredit* and rewards the two best papers on gender economics. One of the two prizes will be preferable awarded to a paper focused on Education topics.
The two best papers will receive € 2,500 gross each.
Submission deadline: 15 May 2024
To apply: APPLY HERE
For any further information, download the announcement

Peer Learning Sets fall within the UK Women in Economics Network ‘Action’ Initiative. The aim of the ‘action’ initiative is to drive positive change through peer-learning and best practice sharing amongst women.
Peer learning sets will achieve this by facilitating discussion on a shared challenge or development aim. The objective is for peer groups to discuss and implement practical solutions to the shared issue, thus bringing about personal, professional and/or cultural change in economics within and across institutions/sectors.
We are offering the opportunity for 25 women economists to become a Peer Learning Set Facilitator where you will receive training and support to develop and run a PLS. The form to apply is at the bottom of this page.
The training session will be held virtually in early March 2024. To apply to join the training and become a PLS facilitator, please complete this form.
Further information are available at this link.

It's now open the call for papers for the Gender analysis in EU Political Economy: A new research agenda? Aiming to bridge the gap between gender-sensitive and feminist research, and the mainstream of EU studies and political economy, this workshop addresses questions concerning gender parity in politics and gender analysis of policy and policy–making within the EU.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2024
Further information are available at this link.

It's now open the call for papers for the 13th Best Paper Award on Gender Economics. The competition is aimed at all young economists and researchers from the countries belonging to the geographical area of UniCredit* and rewards the two best papers on gender economics. One of the two prizes will be preferable awarded to a paper focused on Education topics.
The two best papers will receive € 2,500 gross each.
Submission deadline: 15 May 2023
To apply: APPLY HERE
For any further information, download the announcement

The Paris School of Economics is organizing the Summer School from the 19th to the 23rd of June 2023, “THE ECONOMICS OF GENDER” - Biases, Stereotypes, Violence, and Policies.
If interested, you may participate either in person or Online. This program is equivalent to 3 ECTS credits, which PSE validates.
Participants must have a solid background in applied microeconomics and econometrics.
More info at this link